Nail care

Ingrown nail treatment

Ingrown nail treatment

Ingrown toenail is a common problem that occurs when one side of the nail, most often the big toenail, penetrates the skin causing painful inflammation in the foot. If the ingrown toenail is ignored, the skin on the side of the nail can become infected; this infection can spread to the tissues, and sometimes even to the bone. There are many causes of ingrown toenails: bent nails, improper cutting of the nail, underlying bone pathology, heredity, etc.

If the ingrown toenail is ignored and left untreated, the development of a pyogenic granuloma can occur. Although ingrown toenails can occur on any toe, most often they occur on the corners of the big toe nail. This situation should not be taken lightly and should be treated immediately. Despite prescriptions for antibiotics and footbaths, as long as the ingrown toenail exerts pressure or remains in the skin, the ingrown toenail problem will persist.

Ingrown nail care and treatment:
  • Thinning, trimming and clearing of the problematic nail
  • Permanent or non-permanent partial surgery to remove the ingrown toenail
  • A simple examination of the ingrown toenail can facilitate the treatment
  • Advice and follow-up with our podiatry clinic
Common causes of ingrown toenails:
  • Improper toenail trimming: Toenails should be trimmed in a straight line. Cutting the nail too short or slanting the nails to the sides can lead to ingrown toenails.
  • Improperly fitted shoes: Shoes that squeeze the toes and put pressure on them can help an ingrown toenail form.
  • Injury to the nail bed: This can be caused by a broken or cracked nail, a blow to the toe, or a heavy object falling on the toe and pushing the nail inward.
  • A genetic predisposition to ingrown toenails.

Your ingrown toenail will be examined by a podiatrist who will determine the most appropriate treatment method for your situation.