Foot care

Ingrown nail

Toenail surgery

When your podiatrist recommends surgery as a treatment for ingrown toenails, you can benefit from a quick and easy procedure that can be performed at our podiatric clinic.

The procedure begins with an injection of local anesthetic that numbs your toe. The podiatrist may then remove part or all of the nails, depending on the extent of the infection, to prevent it from spreading.

While there are many treatments for ingrown toenails, one of the most common methods is removal. This surgery can be performed in the office under local anesthesia and permanently removes a piece of both sides of the nail so that you never have a problem with these annoying ingrown toenail infections again. Healing time varies depending on the severity of your problem, but in general, 4 to 6 weeks after the procedure should be sufficient.

What can make it necessary to have toenail surgery?

Ingrown toenails are a frequent condition. The most common cause of toenail fungus is excessive nail length. It can also occur if you wear tight shoes or cut your nails improperly, which causes an infection in the nail bed due in part to moisture that collects underneath this type of skin infection.

To treat ingrown toenails at home, one of the most effective ways is to wear sandals and avoid putting pressure on your toes. You can also soak them in warm water or keep the area clean by wiping it with soap every few hours while it heals – this helps prevent an infection from developing.

If you notice signs of infection or an ingrown toenail, it is best to seek medical help from a podiatrist. If you have a health problem such as diabetes, nerve damage or improper circulation, consult a podiatrist for your ingrown toenail.

The symptoms of an ingrown toenail

Ingrown toenails are one of the most common foot problems. They irritate the skin and make it easier for bacteria or other germs to enter, increasing the risk of infection. Here are some signs that you may have an ingrown toenail:

  • Swelling
  • Pus
  • Redness
  • Extreme pain
  • Fever

When to see your podiatrist

If you notice that your toenail is very swollen or inflamed, and it does not improve after a few days, it may be an infection. If this continues without improvement with medication/treatment, surgery may be necessary for healing purposes, as the nail may penetrate deeper into the skin tissue over time and pain levels increase as a result.

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